2019 Open Recap

Congratulations on completing the 2019 CrossFit Games Open! For some of you this was your first time ever completing the workouts, for others it was perhaps the 7th, 8th, or even 9th time!

Regardless of how many times you’ve taken part, the open often leaves people with a slight hangover. More often than not, we come away from these five weeks feeling a bit down. Perhaps we didn’t prepare as much as we had thought, maybe a movement we thought we had under our belts broke down during fatigue, or maybe we came away unsure of what to do to get better.

This is the critical point in the year when we decide to hammer our weaknesses. We can either decide to make changes, or acquiesce to repeating the same story. The Open will ALWAYS be hard. That’s the point. What matters is that each year we come away knowing we did the best we could. And that’s what we are here for, to help you do the best you can!

The coaching staff at Deep has a lot in the works for the coming months to further aid in your development. The point of this post is to remind everyone at Deep that we are here for you! Our sole purpose as coaches is to help you develop as athletes. We are a constant resource for each and every one of you. Use us! If you are pissed you couldn’t get your first bar muscle up, come to us. Ask us how you can get there before the next open. Let us know what your goals are. The more we know about your goals, the more we can personalize your work in classes to help you progress further.

Keep an eye on our Instagram and Members Facebook page because we have some things coming soon that will also help you with skill development!

Friday Night Lights always makes us so proud of our gym family. Watching everyone push themselves and then judge, cheer, and congratulate everyone’s efforts is amazing. You guys are what make this time of year so much fun even though it comes with so much discomfort!


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