2017 CrossFit Deep Nutrition Challenge Winners

This past January we held our annual CrossFit Deep Nutrition Challenge. Several CrossFit Deep athletes committed to 6 weeks of proper nutrition working with a Deep coach to dial-in and reach their New Year goals! At the end of 6 weeks 2 winners emerged losing a cumulative total of 20lbs, 18 inches, and gaining a ton of energy!

Get to know this years’ 2017 CrossFit Deep Nutrition winners: 


Trae Roberts

Prior to committing to the Nutrition Challenge, Trae’s diet consisted of drinking 1-4 soft drinks a day and eating fast food about 3-4 times a week. In just 6 weeks of adopting a new lifestyle Trae lost 16 lbs. 

“I think overall I did WAY better than I ever thought I would.  My original goal was to lose about 20 pounds by June, and I managed to drop 16 just in the 6 weeks of the challenge. I think it really showed just how completely awful my diet was before.” 

To keep on top of his nutrition Kati (the other winner, who is also his girlfriend) would hold each other accountable. 

“It helped a lot that since Kati and I live together it was easy for us to keep each other accountable for things. If one of us got weak and wanted to eat 7 Big Macs the other would talk them down.”

After the 6 week challenges Trae not only noticed physical changes, but mental changes as well. 

“I think physically I'm much happier with my appearance. I've still got a ways to go to get to my ideal weight, but I'm much closer to that now that where I was say a year ago. Mentally I think making good progress has made me want to stay more accountable to my health because I don't want to lose any of that progress.”

Trae Roberts 2017 Nutrition Challenge Before + After 

Trae Roberts 2017 Nutrition Challenge Before + After 


Kati Clausen

Prior to starting the Nutrition Challenge both Kati and Trae struggled with their nutrition for years. 

“Honestly our journeys are similar and somewhat intertwined. After dating for 5 years you tend to feel pretty comfortable around each other and we were no exception to that. Both of us have mentally and physically struggled since moving to Dallas a year and a half ago. As we both have advanced in our careers, so did the numbers on the scale. I've tried everything with my diet, from low carb to counting macros to even trying to be a raw vegan, but nothing would stick for longer than a few weeks, then it was back to pizza and cookie dough.”

After 6 weeks of shaking up her eating habits Kati noticed increased energy throughout her day! 

“Since finding CrossFit and starting the nutrition challenge things just began to click. With being a dental hygienist I am not able to fit many breaks in the day to eat, so the main thing I've noticed is my energy level. I wasn't able to make it through the morning without at least a diet coke or two and a rollercoaster of peaks and valleys. Now I can make it through the morning with consistent energy.”

“I wouldn't have been as successful in the challenge if it weren't for Trae. We would go back and forth between who wanted a cheat meal and who wanted to stay loyal. We pushed each other to meal prep and it even became part of our quality time together. We learned each other's weaknesses when it came to food and helped each other fight through them. I definitely wasn't the easiest to deal with the first couple of weeks, but Trae helped me stay the course.”

Post Nutrition Challenge both Kati and Trae have continued to encourage and push each other!  

“I know we (Trae) both really appreciate CrossFit Deep for giving us the opportunity to grow mentally and physically. We have continued to push each other even after the 6 week challenge and plan on continuing the Paleo lifestyle, plus a few donuts on the weekend.”

Congratulations to both Trae and Kati for all their hard work during the 2017 Nutrition Challenge!